The Importance of Workplace Orientation Training – a Health and Safety Perspective 

Workplace orientation training is the process of introducing new employees to the organisation, its policies and procedures, and the hazards they may face in the workplace.

It is an important part of any health and safety management system, as it can help to prevent accidents and injuries by: 

  • Teaching employees about the hazards in the workplace. This includes both physical hazards, such as machinery and chemicals, and ergonomic hazards, such as repetitive motion injuries. 
  • Coaching employees on how to avoid hazards. This includes using personal protective equipment (PPE), following safe work practices, and hazard reporting. 
  • Creating a culture of safety. By emphasising the importance of safety during orientation training, employers can help to create a workplace where employees are more likely to take safety seriously. 


Guidelines for Providing Successful Orientation Training 

  • Competent trainer: The trainer should be knowledgeable about the hazards in the workplace and the safe work practices. 
  • Engaging: The training should be interesting and informative, tailored to the specific needs of the employees. 
  • Interactive: The training should allow opportunities for employees to ask questions and participate in exercises. 
  • Memorable: The training should be memorable so that employees can recall the information when they are in the workplace. 
  • Begin with a safety overview. The first part of the training should provide an overview of the company’s health and safety policies and procedures. This will help employees to understand the importance of safety and how they can contribute to a safe workplace. 
  • Identify the hazards. The next part of the training should identify the specific hazards that employees may face in their work area. This information should be presented concisely, using visuals and examples where possible. 
  • Teach safe work practices. The training should then teach employees how to avoid the hazards that have been identified. This includes information on using PPE, following safe work procedures, and reporting hazards to their supervisor. 
  • Make it interactive. The training should be interactive so that employees can participate and ask questions. This will help them to better understand the information. 
  • Use visuals. Visuals, such as pictures and videos, can be helpful in making the training more engaging and memorable. 
  • Get feedback. At the end of the training, ask employees for feedback on what they learned and what they thought of the training. This feedback can be used to improve the training for future employees. 


By following these guidelines, employers can provide successful workplace orientation training that will help to prevent accidents and injuries. 

Factors to keep in mind when providing workplace orientation training: 

  • The training should be tailored to the specific needs of the employees. For example, the training for a construction worker will be different from the training for an office worker. 
  • The training should be conducted in a safe environment. This means providing the necessary PPE and taking steps to eliminate or control hazards. 
  • The training should be documented. This will help to ensure that the training is consistent and that it can be easily reviewed in the future. 


The iProtectU health and safety software provides: 

  • An inspection and Audit App which allows for safety inspection of the workplace and associated report 
  • eLearning on a wide range of EHS topics 
  • Scheduling functionality for managers to send eLearning, risk assessments and documents out to all staff via the software with tracks completion and compliance 
  • Risk assessment templates covering training needs 
  • Management system to document control the policy on workplace training 
  • Method Statement module for the creation of work activity working instructions 
  • Legal register that provides legislation guidance on workplace training 
  • Incident investigation module that tracks incidents both with an app and via desktop 
  • Hazard observation app where staff can report and record any concerns to the organisation 
  • Asset management App ensuring assets are recorded in the software 


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