Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA): A highly effective methodology for Health and Safety 

Employers are responsible for managing health and safety in their organisation. This includes managing risks and taking practical steps to protect employees, and others who may be affected, from harm.

The employer must have arrangements in place to: 

  • Plan – make the right plans 
  • Do – execute those plans 
  • Check – determine if the plans are working 
  • Act – put measures in place if the plans are not working 


PDCA is a powerful framework for continuous improvement pertaining to workplace health and safety.  

Examples of how PDCA plays out in the workplace


Hazard identification and risk assessment  

Developing health and safety policies and procedures  

Training and awareness campaigns 


Implementing risk control measures  

Reporting and investigating incidents  

Maintaining and inspecting equipment and machinery  


Monitoring performance and health and safety metrics 

Auditing and inspections  

Requesting feedback from employees 


Reviewing and updating policies and procedures  

Taking corrective action and addressing any identified shortcomings  

Continuous improvement  

By implementing this PDCA cycle, organisations can move beyond reactive safety measures and proactively create a culture of safety that prioritises prevention and continuous improvement.

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