Health and Safety as a Public Transport Operator 

As an operator of public transport, you hold great responsibility for the wellbeing and life of many different passengers.

It is essential to ensure that as a service provider, you check and regulate any possible health and safety concerns, such as making sure that surfaces are sanitary, and passengers are briefed on the safety procedures in case of emergency. You can find below some tips below for keeping you, and your passengers, safe. 

– Regular cleaning and disinfection. This includes frequently touched surfaces like handrails, seats, and door handles. 

– Ventilation and air circulation: Proper ventilation is crucial on public transport to ensure the circulation of fresh air. Operators should maintain and optimise ventilation systems, including opening windows when possible. 

– Hand hygiene: Encouraging passengers to practise good hand hygiene is important. Public transport operators can provide hand sanitisers at entrances/exits and onboard or promote the use of personal hand sanitisers.  

– Physical distancing: Where possible, maintaining physical distance between passengers should be encouraged. Operators can mark seating areas or provide visual cues to guide passengers in maintaining distance while waiting or boarding vehicles.  

– Contactless payment to minimise physical contact. 

– Communication and awareness: Public transport authorities should communicate health and safety guidelines clearly to passengers through various channels. These can include signage, public announcements, social media, and websites.  

– Staff training and protection: Public transport operators should provide appropriate training to staff regarding health and safety protocols, including cleaning procedures, handling potentially infectious situations, and interacting with passengers. Staff should also be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE) if necessary.  

By following these tips, as a public transport operator, you can reduce the risk of disease, illness, and even death, ensuring all passengers are safe and satisfied to travel again.

iProtectU allows a user to create, edit and document a risk assessment regarding public transport. 

iProtectU brings together the key resources and knowledge of three companies specialising in EHS software development, health and safety, business intelligence and data analytics. 

Our vision is to provide fully integrated, cost effective and simple to use health and safety software tools that enable our clients to engage their entire team. 

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