Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Safety Management

DSE Safety Management refers to the measures that can be taken to reduce the health risks associated with using display screens, such as computer monitors, laptops, and smartphones, and the associated equipment for extended periods of time. 

One of the most common health risks associated with using DSE is eye strain, which can cause symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. Another health risk associated with using DSE is musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), such as neck and shoulder pain, back pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.  

To reduce the risk of health effects associated with using DSE, it is important to:  

  • Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen to a comfortable level 
  • Position the screen at a comfortable distance and angle   
  • Maintain good posture while using the screen 
  • Use a chair with proper support 
  • Position the keyboard and mouse at a comfortable height and distance 
  • Reduce glare by adjusting the lighting in the room and using anti-glare filters or screen protectors 
  • Keep the screen clean to reduce eye strain and maintain image clarity 
  • Take regular breaks and stretch throughout the day  
  • Undertake a DSE Assessment annually and in the event of equipment changes, whichever comes first 

The iProtectU software system is a user-friendly, intuitive one-stop system for your organisation’s DSE needs in order to meet regulatory requirements and ensure your employees are safe and supported while using their workstation.  

The iProtectU software system contains a DSE Management System which has a designated DSE dashboard, DSE metrics pertaining to assessments undertaken within your organisation and a DSE assessment and training schedule. The system enables your employees to complete a DSE self-assessment so that risks are identified, and control measures can be implemented in a timely manner.  

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