Asbestos Management Plan

An asbestos management plan is a written document outlining how asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are managed in a building or facility. The plan typically includes information on identifying, assessing, and controlling the risks associated with ACMs.

An asbestos management plan is a written document outlining how asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are managed in a building or facility. The plan typically includes information on identifying, assessing, and controlling the risks associated with ACMs. It is an important part of complying with regulations and guidelines related to asbestos management. 

Below are some key elements that may be included in an asbestos management plan. 

  • Identification of ACMs: Include a comprehensive survey of the building to identify all areas that may contain ACMs. 
  • Risk assessment: Assess the condition of ACMs and the potential for them to release asbestos fibers into the air, which can cause health problems. 
  • Control measures: Determine how to control the risks associated with ACMs, including methods for containing and removing the materials safely. 
  • Record keeping: Include documentation of all ACMs, assessments, and control measures taken, as well as regular updates to the plan. 
  • Training and communication: Outline how to train employees and communicate information about ACMs to workers, tenants, and visitors. 
  • Emergency response: Consider procedures for responding to emergencies, such as accidental damage or disturbance of ACMs. 


It is important to note that the specific requirements for an asbestos management plan may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the facility or building. It is recommended that the plan be developed by a qualified asbestos professional and reviewed regularly to ensure ongoing compliance with regulations and guidelines. 

Ensure that regular monitoring of the condition of ACMs is completed and recorded. 

It is also important to note that the asbestos management plan is to be compiled and written before any repair or maintenance work is carried out on the premises. Subsequently, whenever any work is carried out that may affect the condition of the ACMs, ensure that the asbestos management plan is updated accordingly. 

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