International Standard ISO 45001 

ISO 45001 is an international standard that focuses on occupational health and safety management systems (OH&S). It provides a framework for organisations to establish and maintain a systematic approach to managing health and safety risks, ensuring a safe working environment, and promoting the welfare of employees.

Aspects of ISO 45001: 

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: ISO 45001 emphasises the identification of hazards and assessment of associated risks in the workplace. Companies are required to systematically identify potential hazards, evaluate their risks, and implement controls to mitigate or eliminate those risks. 

OH&S Policy and Objectives: The standard requires organisations to establish an OH&S policy that outlines their commitment to health and safety, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and continual improvement. Clear objectives and targets should be set, with the goal of measuring and improving OH&S performance. 

Legal Compliance: Organisations must ensure compliance with relevant local health and safety laws, regulations, and other requirements. They should have robust processes in place to identify and track applicable legal obligations, establish controls to meet those obligations, and monitor compliance. 

Competence and Training: Organisations should ensure that employees have the necessary competence and training to perform their tasks safely. This includes providing appropriate OH&S training, raising awareness of hazards, and promoting a safety culture within the organisation. 

Performance Evaluation: ISO 45001 requires organisations to monitor and measure their OH&S performance against set objectives and targets. This involves conducting regular inspections, audits, incident investigations, and analysis of OH&S data to identify areas for improvement. 

Management Leadership and Worker Participation: Top management is responsible for providing leadership and demonstrating commitment to OH&S. Effective worker participation and consultation are encouraged to involve employees in decision-making processes and to ensure their involvement in identifying and controlling hazards. 

Operational Controls: ISO 45001 emphasises the need for effective operational controls to manage OH&S risks. This includes implementing measures to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses, as well as emergency preparedness and response procedures. 

Continuous Improvement: The standard emphasises the importance of continually improving the OH&S management system. Organisations are encouraged to set improvement goals, analyse the effectiveness of controls, and take corrective actions to prevent recurrence of incidents. 

Implementing ISO 45001 can help organisations establish a proactive approach to managing occupational health and safety, reduce workplace accidents and illnesses, and enhance overall employee well-being. ISO 45001 is a voluntary standard, and organisations can choose to adopt it based on their specific needs and requirements. 

iProtectU assists organisations in the implementation of ISO 45001. Our health and safety software system provides workplace inspection forms and templates and allows a user to create, edit and document a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. 

iProtectU brings together the key resources and knowledge of three companies specialising in EHS software development, health and safety, business intelligence and data analytics. 

Our vision is to provide fully integrated, cost effective and simple to use health and safety software tools that enable our clients to engage their entire team. 

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ISO 45001: 2018 – Planning 

Rigorous planning is the foundation for building a successful ISO 45001 system. Planning plays a crucial role in demonstrating how forward-thinking and proactive an organisation

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